The Politician

The politician can advance his career and become a Mayor, a Member of Parliament, a Minister, and even the Head of State. Within his political party, he can become a member of the politburo, head of the political group in Parliament, or party leader.

In his role as politician, he will have to travel and speak in public locations in order to promote himself. He can also create events to promote his ideas. All of this will contribute to raising his popularity and reputation, which will benefit him during elections.

As Mayor, he can manage his city in detail (taxation, budget, staffing, construction), create events, and handle agendas. As a Member of Parliament or a Minister, he can also participate in the development of a new society by voting in Parliament and proposing his own laws.

His success will depend heavily on the development of his relational network and his alliance strategies.

Manage your local government

Create your own laws and change society

See the development of your actions every day

Current President

Unknown president